Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cabin and Coyotes

I've been working on a lot of crafts lately, inspired by cabins, nature and the simple life. I'm almost finished with this cabin cross stitch- I altered a pattern I found based on an old sampler.  Then, I've started a crochet sunburst square blanket in earth tones and forest colors. 55 squares total will make the blanket, only 46 left to go! It will be so warm and cozy, I can't wait until it's done.

These same inspirations are behind my recent painting, Coyotes Under the Moon. Here in Portland, coyotes live in the forested areas, by creeks and they often wander out at night. The evergreens majestically surround the city and there are lots of trails and wildlife. We enjoy going on a lot of hikes in the woods and in parks with our dogs. One time I was on a wooded trail near dusk, a coyote came running up the path and stopped about 6 feet away, wagging his tail. My dog wanted to play with him, then it was time to turn back the other way. My painting is about this spirit of playfulness in the woods and the mist :)

Coyotes Under the Moon © 2011

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