Saturday, June 11, 2011

Summer Visions

It's summer, such a joy! The garden is growing more and more every few days. Here it is now! We picked our first lettuces for the most delicious salad last night

I planted hanging baskets to decorate the front of the house too:

And in the studio,... my piece 'Soulmates' is emerging, with lush hills and bright sun inspired by summer. The two spirit forms are in a symbolic tree of life that connect from the roots of the earth to the heavens, a mandala may emerge in the sky. Yin yang in the center symbolizes balance. There will be double rainbows in the sky and magnolia flowers in the tree. :) 
Soulmates ©2011, In progress...
And the dogs take lazy summer naps around my studio.... :)))


  1. Hello there- I'm visiting from linked in and would love to follow but cdo not see a followers gadget? Am I just missing it?

  2. Wonderful photo's!!
    I should take pictures of my garden...will have to weed it first :)

  3. Your garden looks great! My thumb is not as green but I'm trying...think I was a bit late in getting seeds planted but the peppers and zucinni are coming up!
